2010 Annual Report
IEC’s 75th Anniversary is more than a diamond jubilee, it is an opportunity to review decades of accomplishments in preservation of the environment and to look ahead to meeting IEC’s mission and mandate. IEC’s work is even more important as fiscal restraints have caused our States and nation to marshal resources for the most cost effective benefit of the people. IEC is uniquely situated to utilize its professional staff and to be nimble, responding to needs of member-State agencies, legislators and environmental entities and providing the citizen’s with environmental protection.
The Interstate Environmental Commission (IEC) remains the guardian of the waters of the tri-state District and we continue to make optimum use of limited resources. IEC Commissioners and professional staff are dedicated to upholding the highest quality research, monitoring and analyses, providing valuable resources for our member States, our region and the nation. Water and air quality monitoring and abatement are our priorities. Hypoxia in our waters, combined sewer overflows and emerging contaminants continue to need attention and solutions. IEC has been, and continues to be, a focal point for research, analysis and solutions that ensure water and air quality.