The Interstate Environmental Commission has 15 commissioners—five commissioners from each of its member states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut—each of whom is a resident voter of the state from which he/she is appointed. The commissioners are chosen in the manner and for the terms provided by law of the state from which they are appointed. Each member state has ex officio commissioners who serve by virtue of the state office they hold, and citizen commissioners who are direct gubernatorial appointees. Reorganizations of state governments have occasionally necessitated changes in the identity of some of the agency heads and consequently in the statutory designation of the state official commissioners. The chairmanship of the Commission rotates every two years among its member states.

In New York, the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation is a commissioner of the Interstate Environmental Commission. The other four New York commissioners are nominated by the governor and confirmed by the senate for four year terms. New Jersey commissioners include the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, the commissioner of the Department of Health, and three commissioners appointed for five year terms by the governor and confirmed by the senate. The Connecticut commissioners are the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, the commissioner of the Department of Health and the Attorney General, and two commissioners appointed for four year terms by the governor and confirmed by the senate. The commissioners who are heads of agencies of member states are authorized to select statutory representatives to act for them at meetings where they do not attend in person.
In all three States, commissioners serve beyond their terms, if their successors have not yet been appointed and qualified. The commissioners serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred and incident to the performance of their duties.
Current commissioners of the Interstate Environmental Commission:
New Jersey | New York | Connecticut |
John M. Scagnelli, Vice-Chair | Philip M. DeGaetano, Vice-Chair | John Atkin, Chair |
Judith M. Persichilli, M.D. M.B.A (1) | Rose Trentman | Vacancy |
Shawn M. LaTourette (2) | Basil Seggos (3) | Manisha Juthani, M.D. |
Vacancy | Judith L. Baron | William Tong (4) |
Vacancy | Jeffrey A. Myers | Katie Scharf Dykes(5) |
(1) Mr. Loel Muetter is the statutory representative for Commissioner Persichilli.
(2) Mr. Robert Schuster is the statutory representatives for Commissioner LaTourette
(3) Mr. Selvin Southwell is the statutory representatives for Commissioner Seggos.
(4) Mr. Michael Lynch is the statutory representative for Commissioner Tong.
(5) Ms. Nisha Patel is the statutory representative for Commissioner Dykes.