
Publication Center


Daily Boat Traffic through Narrows-NY Harbor

January 10, 1938
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In order to determine the relative amounts of the commercial traffic as compared with the pleasure craft traveling through The Narrows of New York Harbor, a count was made of the records kept by the Untied States Coast Guard Service. It was found that the records were available from June 1st to December 31st, 1937, and through the courtesy of Commander Baylie the Interstate Sanitation Commission was enabled to make use of this data.

This record is a complete record of the vessels entering or leaving New YorkHarbor through The Narrows. It was found that the record was very complete, the information including the nationality, the name and home port and the type of each vessel together with information as to whether the vessel was in-bound or out-bound and the time of observation. The time was arranged on the twenty-four hour basis beginning at midnight, the hours being recorded from 0 to 24.



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